dc.contributor.author | Hernández Pedroza, Mayra |
dc.contributor.author | Terrés Rojas, Eduardo |
dc.contributor.author | Rojas García, Elizabeth |
dc.contributor.author | Ángeles Beltrán, Deyanira |
dc.date.issued | 2019 |
dc.identifier.citation | Mesoporous silicate SBA-15 is member of a series of materials with high specific areas, pores of defined size and easily modified surfaces, which have been of interest for some years in various branches of chemistry to be used as adsorbents and catalytic support. When the SBA-15 is functionalized with metals such as palladium (Pd), we obtain useful catalytic solids in organic synthesis. In this work, palladiumfunctionalized SBA-15 materials were synthesized by "in situ" and "post-synthesis" techniques, which were characterized and then evaluated as catalysts in a Susuki- Miyaura type reaction cross coupling reaction to obtain biphenyl. |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11191/7830 |
dc.description.abstract | Los silicatos mesoporosos SBA-15 son miembros de una serie de materiales con altas áreas específicas, poros de tamaño definido y superficies fácilmente modificables, los cuales han sido de interés desde hace algunos años en varias ramas de la química para ser usados como adsorbentes y soportes catalíticos. Cuando el SBA-15 se funcionaliza con metales como paladio (Pd), obtenemos sólidos catalíticos útiles en síntesis orgánica. En este trabajo se sintetizaron materiales SBA-15 funcionalizados con Pd “in situ” y “post-síntesis”, los cuales fueron caracterizados y evaluados como catalizadores en una reacción de acoplamiento cruzado tipo Susuki-Miyaura para la obtención de bifenilo. |
dc.description.abstract | Mesoporous silicate SBA-15 is member of a series of materials with high specific areas, pores of defined size and easily modified surfaces, which have been of interest for some years in various branches of chemistry to be used as adsorbents and catalytic support. When the SBA-15 is functionalized with metals such as palladium (Pd), we obtain useful catalytic solids in organic synthesis. In this work, palladiumfunctionalized SBA-15 materials were synthesized by "in situ" and "post-synthesis" techniques, which were characterized and then evaluated as catalysts in a Susuki- Miyaura type reaction cross coupling reaction to obtain biphenyl. |
dc.format | pdf |
dc.language.iso | spa |
dc.publisher | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería. |
dc.relation.ispartof | https://revistatediq.azc.uam.mx/Docs/revista_tendencias_2019.pdf |
dc.source | Revista Tendencias en Docencia e Investigación en Química. Año 5, número 5 (enero-diciembre de 2019). ISSN: 2448-6663 |
dc.subject | Pd-SBA-15, acoplamiento, Susuki-Miyaura. Croos-coupling. |
dc.title | Pd-SBA-15 como catalizador en la reacción de Suzuki-Miyaura |
dc.type | Artículo |
dc.format.digitalOrigin | Born digital |