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  • La investigación en sustentabilidad
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Flores Carapia, Martín Lucas
    In the last 50 years, the topic of the use and exploitation of natural and technological resources, as well as the conservation of natural environments, have been important axes of research in the various areas of human endeavor. In the academic circles of the design disciplines there has been growing concern about the role that design should play in promoting sustainable development. Research on sustainability is different in each discipline. The question is: How to approach it from design?.
  • Instrumentos de consulta para la investigación
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Clavé Almeida, Manuel Martín
    In this globalized world where information flows in seconds and is supposedly within the immediate reach of anyone and anywhere on the planet, there is a belief that information, simply because it comes from a digital medium, it is of quality and truthful, a perception that is completely erroneous and mistaken, as the Internet is an open network and welcomes all types of content from any source, without any verification filter that guarantees the quality and certainty of the information data. Under the coverage of that premise, today thousands of texts are written based on information obtained in this way with what in academia we know as “copy and paste” and which results in the repetition of errors that multiply even in serious books, whose authors did not go to the original sources to verify the information they blindly reproduce. With this small contribution I intend to interest readers in resorting to the rich sources of information offered by the various archives of Mexico City, from the General Archive of the Nation, which, as its name well indicates, contains data of general interest about all topics related to our history, as well as the archives that house specific information in a particular field.
  • Memoria e imaginación: Herramientas para el diseño para la transición
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Romero Amaro, María Fernanda
    Design goes beyond aesthetics and functionality; currently, design trends seek to provide systematic solutions to current societal problems. By integrating memory and imagination, solutions are created that evoke positive emotional responses, thus addressing society’s challenges more effectively. Collaboration in design, combining individual memories that transform into historical memory and collective aspirations that seek the common good, results in contextualized and precise solutions. The relationship between memory and society is profound; culture influences how we remember and vice versa. This is essential when addressing issues of memory and its impact on society. Thus, if the design for transition is approached from memory and imagination, it can offer solutions that emotionally connect on both individual and collective levels. An example of this approach is the water crisis in cities, a topic I address in my research. Through emotions, historical memory, and imagination of sustainable futures, the aim is to solve this challenge from the design for transition perspective.
  • El mapa rizomático como herramienta para la investigación en estudios urbanos
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Cisneros, Melina
    This article explores the potential of the Complexity method (Morin, 2007c) and the concept of rhizome (Deleuze y Guattari, 2020) as theoretical tools to address the complexity of urban phenomena. As an example, a doctoral research in progress entitled “Exploring Urban Complexity: A Multidimensional Approach through Image, Transvisuality, Transaesthetics and Art–based research for the Study of Urban Phenomena” is analyzed. This doctoral research uses Morin’s complexity method (2007c), using a rhizomatic map as the main tool. The rhizomatic map allows visualizing and analyzing the relationships between the various elements of the object of study, reflecting the dynamics inherent to urban complexity. The flexibility and adaptability of the rhizomatic approach, together with the ability of the complex method to foster transdisciplinarity, make the rhizomatic map a valuable tool for exploring the complexity of urban phenomena from a multidimensional perspective.
  • Análisis epistémico de las teorías urbanas del siglo XX que abordan la segregación socioespacial
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Alcántara Hernández, Leonel
    Spatial disciplines, mainly in the 20th century, have been channeled into the ordering, planning, management and construction of the human hábitat. The axioms used to carry out this task have been taken from some theories that have emerged throughout the century. On the one hand, when a spatial theory becomes a paradigm, territorial regulations, public policies and designs are generated at all spatial scales whose objective is to apply them, even radicalization is required in their application. However, theoretical criticism and criticism of the axioms that underpin the philosophical visions of urban theories; have been little examined in our disciplines. This is why I am currently developing the research work in the Doctorate with the name: “Political Philosophy and Sociospatial Segregation: The biopolitical and psychoanalytic critique of the notions of mechanisms of control and spatial exclusion in the history of Western spatial disciplines”. The method used in this research is to explore the definitions of concepts such as: space, city and social division of space in three of the most relevant theories of the 20th century, which has raised the identification of a series of essentialisms as first results. In the second part of the research work, the method proposes taking up this concept in two currents of political philosophy.
  • Pensar la proxemia
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Villagrana, Gustavo Alejandro
    There are places that have a profound relationship with our individual or collective image. Identity is related to the space we inhabit, the extent of its landscape, nearby objects, and the processes of semiosis. These places can be described as totems, urban imaginaries that can be analyzed and studied to find the various relationships between what is seen, what is thought, and how the experience of proximity can modify the way a place is perceived. In the context of urban studies, a layered analysis methodology is established by integrating Proxemics and its interactions to achieve a parallelism with iconological analysis, practical and symbolic functions, and human communication processes, establishing multidisciplinary connections that occur in space, territory, and identity with an emblematic space.
  • La planeación frente a la crisis urbana. Análisis de las alternativas, capacidades y limitaciones de los institutos municipales de planeación urbana IMPLANES en las ciudades de Culiacán, Chihuahua y Mexicali en el período 2004-2021
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Ochoa Heredia, Daniela Guadalupe
    The urban contradiction that cities have is worrying; on the one hand, international discourse establishes that cities by 2030 must be safe, inclusive, participatory and equitable territories. However, this scenario becomes contradictory when there is the presence of urban processes that trigger inequality, the uncontrolled growth of urban areas without order and planning causes problems of a social, environmental, economic, urban nature, among others. The execution of urban planning in cities has been a diffuse, closed, limited process influenced by capitalist interests. However, the IMPLANES Municipal Urban Planning Institutes emerge as an alternative for the legitimization of the urban planning process. The following research analyzed in depth the capabilities, limitations and alternatives of the implanes to identify those elements that prevent the reduction of inequality, as well as those with strengthening properties.
  • Aplicación del método a mi investigación
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) López Salazar, Ana María
    This work aims to highlight the importance of methodological design in research, focusing on the cartographic method. Through maps, it becomes easier to integrate geospatial data from various sources in order to conduct a multidisciplinary and holistic analysis of the issue at hand. As this research focuses on studying the multiple conditions that lead to spatial tensions in specific areas of Azcapotzalco, Satty’s hierarchical analysis proves to be a very suitable tool because “it is a multicriteria analysis compatible with Geographic Information Systems (gis) that promotes understanding of the complexity of a problem where there is a variety of actors and interests involved” (Ávila, 2022:63). Next, we explain what this method consists of and how it was put into practice to carry out the spatial analysis.
  • Métodos creativos y sustentabilidad para la producción artesanal
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) Rodríguez Mondragón, Sandra
    Craft production can integrate creative methods and sustainable practices to promote sustainability. Artisans can employ traditional and creative techniques, along with organic or recycled materials, thus reducing environmental impact. Some strategies include the use of local raw materials, recycling of materials, implementation of low-energy production processes, and reuse of resources. Additionally, creativity can influence design and innovation, allowing the production of unique and personalized items. The combination of creative methods and sustainable practices not only promotes environmental conservation, but also preserves cultural traditions and elevates the artistic value of artisanal products.
  • Estudio de sustancias conservadoras de bajas temperaturas aplicadas al diseño y desarrollo de un sistema portátil de transportación y conservación de órganos torácicos y abdominales humanos con fines de trasplante
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) LOPEZ, JUAN RICARDO; Ramírez Ramírez, Rodrigo; PADILLA MARTÍNEZ, HILIANA
    Currently, the National Health System has used domestic equipment for the transportation of organs for transplantation purposes, which does not maintain the ideal temperature for the preservation of organs in static hypothermia; this is not specialised equipment and does not take into account the characteristics of other substances for this purpose. The present research consists of carrying out an experimental study of different low temperature preservation substances to determine which of these substances is optimal for the implementation of static hypothermia in the preservation of thoracic and abdominal organs for transplantation purposes, which will work ideally in a Transport and Preservation System designed for this purpose. In order to achieve the above, the present study was carried out, the purpose of which is to implement a cryogenic substance in the operation of this system, which will help to make the whole transfer process efficient as well as practical.