Posgrado en Diseño

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11191/2168

Aquí se encuentran depositadas las tesis de especialidad, maestría y doctorado de los diferentes posgrados en diseño de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco. Para más información, ir al sitio de los Posgrados en Diseño


Search Results

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  • Sistemas lumínicos de alta eficiencia energética para el aprovechamiento de la iluminación natural
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2009-07-06) Moyo Martínez, Rocío Elena
    The use of natural illumination has an important impact in the energy use. Most of the buildings consume more than 50% of the energy produced, which provokes pollution. This investigation builds with the analysis and evaluation of the performance of high efficiency luminous systems to reduce the energy construction while proved in comfort from the occupants. The first stage of this investigation consisted of detail diagnostics of the case of the current case study building, sport center building throw monitoring under clear cloudy and semi-cloudy sky conditions. The next stage of this investigation included the construction of the tree dimensional physical model, calibrated, relative to the real case study building. This model was used to implement the high luminous efficiencies systems, the design alternatives investigated were light ducts, and the design variables were: geometry, form, internal and external material and distribution. The results show that the best design alternative was de luminous ducts, in 45 cm in diameter with the special distribution of 3meters, with specula film inside, and external height of 90centimetrers about the roof level and with the ceiling silver painted. The use of this design alternative can reduce about 50 percent the use of electricity for lightin g while maintaining the comfort luminous of the occupants, recommended for the international standards. The application of this luminous high efficient system can give important benefits for energy savings and for improved the environment
  • Sistemas de control solar para la obtención de confort térmico y ahorro de energía: Caso de estudio, Ciudad de México
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2011-11) Ramos Oropeza, Angélica
    Energy consumption has increased rapidly, particularly after the second half of the 20th century, exacerbated by a more intensive and powerful technology. New global structures around the world habitat demand more and more energy supply. Besides, most of the energy consumed comes from fossil fuels, which provokes a severe environmental damage in the planet, affecting also people ́s health. Regarding buildings, their consumption is more than half of the energy globally available. In Mexico, recent data shows that this year, electricity consumption has grown 9.5%, compared with the previous year (SENER 2011). Therefore, it is essential to reduce energy consumption in buildings. A suitable alternative to this situation is the application of bioclimatic architecture. Its practice can provide also ambient comfort conditions. This work analyzed the problems of the lack of thermal comfort in buildings, proposed and effective solar control and investigated its performance in experimental modules. Results showed that the appropriate design and use of shading devices can effectively reduce energy consumption in buildings whilst providing thermal comfort conditions for the occupants. This research concludes with the presentation of a design guide for the application of the most suitable shading devices in various latitudes.
  • Enseñanza de la arquitectura bioclimática y sustentable para la conformación de una sociedad más consciente y comprometida con el ambiente: una alternativa para mejorar las condiciones de vida en la Ciudad de México
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2011-10) TOVAR ALCAZAR, MARIA DEL ROSARIO
    The conscience and the citizen commitment are conditions that undoubtedly have his broadest basis in the fact that people are solely responsible of the environmental deterioration that has the planet and consequently, they are the only ones who can do something to remedy this situation that has become increasingly worse over the years and the increased reliance on energy consumption from non renewable energies sources. The importance of considering the problem of housing in Mexico City and the potential for Bioclimatic Architecture lies in the concern to convey technical’s concepts that might be seem hard to understand for the bulk of the population, providing an opportunity to implement them in their homes either at the time of purchase or adapt what they have. People need to fight for better conditions of life without incurring in a large investment or a serious disruption to the surrounding environment. As the stage of greatest receptivity of human being is the childhood the transmission of knowledge through a hands-on teaching method will link the lessons of the official program of the Mexican Ministry of Public Education for 6 grade of elementary with this kind of more specialized subjects. This paper contains the development of nine chapters which constitute a substantial contribution to the contents of the certificates both the educational material as the sections that integrate the citizen guide.