Posgrado en Diseño
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11191/2168
Aquí se encuentran depositadas las tesis de especialidad, maestría y doctorado de los diferentes posgrados en diseño de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco. Para más información, ir al sitio de los Posgrados en Diseño
29 results
Search Results
- Estudio de la relación entre frustración, entusiasmo instantáneo y entusiasmo de largo plazo en la solución de una actividad cognitiva diferenciada medida a través de una interfaz cerebro-computadora(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2013-08) Latapie Venegas, ImeldaThere is a trend to digitize course contents, develop multimedia materials for education and create virtual learning environments. Designers and developers face a challenge, since there is no evidence that cyberlearning is more effective than the traditional classroom. The reactions of user to screen and multimedia stimuli (levels of attention, frustration, cognitive load, or facial expressions, to name a few) are not perceived or registered. Valuable information to design systems that support learning is lost. This research aims to generate knowledge relevant to interactive systems design through an experiment which aims to clarify the relationship between a task’s level of complexity and user’s reactions to it (frustration, instantaneous excitement and long-term excitement).
- Experiencias cognitivas a través de artefactos inmateriales: el papel del color(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2013-07) Lopez Cruz, Claudia SusanaEl presente proyecto se desarrolla a partir de la Base Biológica del Diseño. Como parte de este concepto – en el centro del mismo – se ubica al sujeto considerado como un ser complejo que tiene un movimiento autónomo, percibe su entorno, considera los beneficios que aporta y toma decisiones por medio de acciones provechosas para obtener una mejor calidad de vida. Se exploran a diversos autores, entre los que se destacan Sánchez de Antuñano (2011), Zoghbi, Khul, Kandel, Warren y Spelke (2010) Gibson, (1986, 1983, 1959), Uexküll (1909), Goldstein, (2005), Ellis (2005), Bedolla (2002); que plantean el concepto entes descrito y que permiten construir el modelo teórico-conceptual a partir del que se desarrolla la investigación. Se delimitan la percepción ecológica de Gibson (1986, 1983, 1959) y se relaciona con la Biosemiótica de Uexküll (1909) para encontrar un modelo teórico que considere la percepción del sujeto desde las esferas interna y externa. Se aplica este modelo para la construcción de un diseño cuasi-experimental, en el que se evalúa el desempeño – medido en tiempo y asertividad – de los sujetos que usan las cuatro Apps diseñadas con los dos círculos cromáticos analizados, el canon cromático obtenido de las exploraciones experimentales y el grupo control acromática. Se comparan la los desempeños de los grupos experimentales y control y se da tratamiento estadístico a los resultados. Se interpretan y se llegan a las conclusiones y principales aportaciones del proyecto. Como parte de las aportaciones se encuentra el ubicar las etiquetas léxicas que se emplean; encontrar los límites de los umbrales cromáticos con las diferencias de enero correspondiente; encontrar los límites de la complejidad cromática perceptible y encontrar los entornos en los que se emplean los artefactos inmateriales; como parte de la experimentación exploratoria. Como parte primordial de las conclusiones del proyecto se apunta hacia el círculo cromático de cuatro primarios luz como el que responde a la percepción en los artefactos inmateriales, a la diferencia de desempeño entre sujetos que usan artefactos inmateriales construidos con cánones diferentes, medido tanto en tiempo como en aciertos.
- Visualización del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, apoyado de una interfaz gráfica(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2014-07) Rodríguez Aguilar, Rosa MaríaEn esta tesis se presenta un conjunto de requerimientos obtenidos a partir de un análisis metodológico, con el objetivo de conformar un sistema educativo, haciendo énfasis en el diseño de una interfaz gráfica, en lo sucesivo IG que permita el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje de la matemática, en el dominio de las ecuaciones de primer grado con una incógnita. Para tal propósito fue necesario que se abordarán distintos enfoques metodológicos pertenecientes al campo de: 1) Los modelos para el diseño de una interfaz gráfica, 2) Los modelos instruccionales, tomando en consideración las inteligencias múltiples de Gardner, 3) Las metodologías de desarrollo de software educativo
- Sketching apoyado en computación: Determinación de las características y atributos que permiten la eficiencia de herramientas tecnológicas en la etapa creativa del proceso de diseño de producto(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2014-07) ACUÑA LOPEZ, ALEJANDROToday it is possible to affirm that the designers can materialize and develop their first ideas without paper and pencil. This is possible due to the latest technological advances in the field of design software and processing devices. The overall objective of this thesis is to analyze the characteristics and attributes that allow certain technological tools support the creative stage of product design process. The specific objectives are the following: identify the different types of representations used in the product design process, emphasizing the main features and characteristics of the sketch; describe the different types of technological tools used in the product design process, especially those likely to be used in the creative stage; and finally, to develop a tool to do a study which evaluates efficiency of three computer programs most used in the creative phase of the design process, through an exercise of representation and conceptual exploration. Given that this problem has been poorly studied, the pilot study was exploratory and quantitative- qualitative approach, focusing on the ability to represent the first ideas in selected computer programs, leaving aside everything related to the mental activity of the designer. Based on the study, we can say that there are a number of features and attributes that allow certain technological tools are efficient for representation and development of the first ideas in the creative stage of product design. However, it should be noted that these results are inconclusive, because it would require a larger sample, but this study will serve as a starting point for further research.
- Sistemas de control solar para la obtención de confort térmico y ahorro de energía: Caso de estudio, Ciudad de México(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2011-11) Ramos Oropeza, AngélicaEnergy consumption has increased rapidly, particularly after the second half of the 20th century, exacerbated by a more intensive and powerful technology. New global structures around the world habitat demand more and more energy supply. Besides, most of the energy consumed comes from fossil fuels, which provokes a severe environmental damage in the planet, affecting also people ́s health. Regarding buildings, their consumption is more than half of the energy globally available. In Mexico, recent data shows that this year, electricity consumption has grown 9.5%, compared with the previous year (SENER 2011). Therefore, it is essential to reduce energy consumption in buildings. A suitable alternative to this situation is the application of bioclimatic architecture. Its practice can provide also ambient comfort conditions. This work analyzed the problems of the lack of thermal comfort in buildings, proposed and effective solar control and investigated its performance in experimental modules. Results showed that the appropriate design and use of shading devices can effectively reduce energy consumption in buildings whilst providing thermal comfort conditions for the occupants. This research concludes with the presentation of a design guide for the application of the most suitable shading devices in various latitudes.
- Sistema de transporte vertical de luz natural: lumiductos: Solución pasiva para el aprovechamiento de luz natural en espacios profundos o con obstrucciones(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2011-01) Castillero Uribe, María AlejandraThe waste of energy in form of electricity to illuminate spaces inside the buildings is an important technical problem. Having the physical and creative solutions to introduce natural light inside buildings can reduce the electricity consumption. The technical solutions to illuminate and having control over the rays developed through out the history of architecture. Now, we have a whole range of different possibilities and it is important to emphasize that many of these solutions taking advantage of sunlight, have been commercialized and some of them developed and modified. However, only in the last decades researchers have been studying the potential of some design strategies and some specific products. To be aware of the advantages of using natural light as a source of energy and to give a general view of the lightning systems we need to know them. Engineers and physics have developed most of the natural illumination systems. The integration of these technologies to the designers and architects ́ knowledge can provide better energetic controls and solutions. The vertical transport natural light system “Lumiducts” within the illuminating solutions is a very interesting field with few years of studies and its use is still very limited. The “Lumiducts” are based in the principle of transporting light through the interior of a highly reflective surface. The advantage of this system is that it provides dynamic natural light in the interior of buildings and at the same time it saves electric energy using them as total or partial source of light. To evaluate the amount of natural light in the interior of a building we used a “Lumiduct” in a warm climate zone in days with different amount of sunlight.
- Evaluación del desempeño aerodinámico mediante una técnica experimental aplicada a envolventes arquitectonicas(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2013-06) VELASCO SANDOVAL, ALBERTH FABIANA methodology to analyze the behavior of the flow around an architectural construction in a wind tunnel is presented as a fundamental tool in order to control the operational conditions. The initial work was the characterization of the wind tunnel to scale the physical models and was defined as 1:50. The material used in the construction of the scaled models is translucent acrylic of 0.003 meters thick. Materials selection was based on the optical properties of the selected material that facilitates the visualization of the air flow in the test area of the wind tunnel. All models was positioned on a base built in acrylic. The assembly was placed on a glass with a 0.005 meters of thickness; the structure has adjusted to the width of the tunnel to avoid the influence of the internal walls, to construct a plane to facilitate the visualization and moreover the interpretation of the results. The selection of the light source is one of the innovations presented on this thesis. Basically, the plane of light is near 0.0005 meters thick, that defines a region around the control volume in order to study only one plane. The three dimensional nature of the flow around a geometry phenomenon is complex. However, it is possible to study by using the proposed experimental technique and a high speed camera at different operational conditions. One of the objectives in this work is to ensure the reproducibility of the test base on the geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity criteria. It is possible to consider the as non-intrusive technique; moreover it is possible to study the qualitative nature of the fluid around a building, to propose several bioclimatic designs of architectural geometries and to evaluate the cases within the wind tunnel. The interpretation of the results highlights the advantages of the method over the conventional visualization techniques. It is also consider as a tool that can be used in scaled models.
- Confort respiratorio en zonas de altura(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2012-12) JORDAN URIOSTE, MARIA DEL CARMEN VALENTINAIndoor air quality is associated with the purity of exterior air, which may be contaminated to various degrees depending on the environment and other local factors such as wind or other possible sources of pollution. In cities or settlements at high altitudes, the quality of exterior air is further compounded by the relative lack of oxygen; therefore the air quality in high altitude may not be limited to the degree of pollution of the atmosphere but should relate it to the amount of oxygen therein. Because the atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude increase, the amount of oxygen at high altitude is significantly lower than at sea level and this means that the human body faces a certain degree of metabolic stress in order to maintain its normal functions. Recent studies have shown important physiological differences between i) indigenous populations, that have lived in these conditions for generations, ii) lifelong highland residents (only first generation) and iii) acclimatized newcomers. In all these groups, the organisms are exposed to a similar degree of hypoxygenation (reduced oxygen concentration), and for all these individuals exposure to an indoor atmosphere enriched with oxygen can improve comfort and even prevent diseases that occur as a consequence of living in these habitats. In nature, all oxygen in the atmosphere is constantly being produced through the process of plant photosynthesis and algae are a very important part of the oxygen-generating ecosystem. These organisms are currently being studied for their efficiency in the production of biomass, which can be used as a possible source of renewable energy, nutritional source or medical products. In addition, they are increasingly seen as environmental purification agents because they are able to use the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and they also can grow and develop in human or industrial waste. Taking into account the fact that at high altitude vegetation is sparse, this project studies the possibility of improving indoor air quality through enriching it by biogenic oxygen production by microalgae. The project also assesses the possible uses of biomass and the potential resulting environmental benefit. To provide perspective and detailed information about the current level of knowledge about this topic, an extensive literature review was performed both on the different aspects relating to the cultivation of microalgae and on defining various aspects describing the comfort and welfare of human beings in high altitude areas. Assuming the percentage of oxygen required for an oxygen enrichment of the air, based on calculations of air renewal, we have determined the amount of oxygen needed to enrich the indoor air of a school in the city of La Paz, Bolivia. From these data and correlating with the information found in the specialized literature, it was calculated the culture volume of microalgae that would be required to produce, through photosynthetic activity, the necessary amount of oxygen to replenish and maintain the increased the enriched environment. Although the resulting volume of photobioreactors is too large to implement it, there is little doubt that the proposed system can help alleviate at least some of the shortcomings that people at high altitude suffer, shortcomings that are likely to escalate with the increase in number and density of these populations. The approach described in this study could also be developed in alternative ways, through the use of the system in an integrated manner, such that a certain level of oxygen enrichment results from the repeated recirculation of air across the microalgae culture. The system described here could also benefit from an increase in the scale of implementation though its use in an industrial environment that produces higher levels of atmospheric pollution. Such industries would benefit from providing the means to absorb the excess carbon dioxide while producing increased levels of oxygen. One potential advantage of an industrial setup is the possibility of constructing and using the large bioreactors required by these processes. One of the highlights of this project is the realization that the microalgae are extremely versatile and their cultivation can offer certain clear benefits to several types of human populations, but especially to those living in high altitude areas as microalgae can not only improve the quality of air and reduce pollution, but can also provide nutritional support and even used as biofuels.
- Factores que afectan el desarrollo de vivienda bioclimática unifamiliar en el México urbano actual y alternativas para fomentarlo(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2014-03) CRUZ RUIZ, ALEXA NATHALIAThis thesis aims to identify the factors that affect the development of bioclimatic housing in urban environments of Mexico and based on this to propose alternative to promote it. The thesis comprises six chapters according to the hypotheses and objectives. The first five chapters cover the research and focus on the different aspects that affect the development of bioclimatic housing, such that: it analyzes the historical context that gave origin to the different housing models and the current situation the country; it considers governmental advocacy media (books, funding programs and regulations); it evaluates the level of bioclimatic knowledge in three cities representing major climates of Mexico (Mexico City, Hermosillo and Villahermosa); it examines curricula and the characteristics of the architecture schools of the country; and discusses the different stages of bioclimatic design. In the sixth and final chapter, the research findings are structured in a comprehensive plan for the development and promotion of Bioclimatic Design applied to Urban Houses in Mexico; in which the problems are identified and objectives, strategies and lines of action are established, in order to promote the development of bioclimatic house in urban Mexico.
- Visualización del viento en megaestructuras, rascacielos, y su importancia bioclimática(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2014-11) MORALES CRUZ, ALEJANDROEl propósito de esta tesis es determinar las tendencias de los rascacielos, mediante la aplicación de una metodología de diseño arquitectónico, que se refleja en un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de una serie de edificios de gran altura y del mismo modo se evalúan las mejores tendencias ante el factor viento, uno de los elementos más importantes que define la forma final de esta tipología. Se realizó la experimentación de los elementos en dos etapas; forma física y numérica, con la construcción de maquetas en acrílico, analizados en un túnel de viento de circuito abierto y de forma numérica con la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional, CFD por sus siglas en inglés, que permitió el análisis experimental de los modelos. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan de forma cualitativa para poder determinar las tendencias de las edificaciones, ante el factor viento. Mediante las técnicas de visualización por hilos de humo, campo de presión, campo de velocidades, se logró hacer la experimentación de los diferentes casos de estudio. El análisis de los rascacielos se hizo de forma aislada y se simplificaron los modelos a formas geométricas básicas, con el fin de tener una metodología de análisis. La metodología implementada nos permite entender la complejidad de las características internas y externas de los rascacielos, para proyectar edificaciones de gran altura mucho más eficientes. Los diversos análisis realizados en esta investigación nos han permitido entender la complejidad del comportamiento del viento, en una de las tipologías arquitectónicas más controversiales de todos los tiempos.
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