Diseño Bioclimático

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  • Modelo de análisis climático y definición de estrategias de diseño bioclimático para diferentes regiones de la República Mexicana
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2009-06-01) Fuentes Freixanet, Víctor Armando
    Este trabajo pretende ampliar la visión de la arquitectura bioclimátca al aplicar las técnicas utilizadas por la “Biometeorología Urbana” para el estudio de las múltiples interrelaciones que se presentan entre el ambiente humano y el ambiente natural. De esta forma se propone la utilización de las herramientas cartográficas como modelo de análisis climático, para determinar de los índices de confort y definir las estrategias básicas de diseño bioclimático en todos sus ámbitos de estudio: en el diseño urbano, diseño de espacios exteriores y diseño arquitectónico.
  • Confort respiratorio en zonas de altura
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2012-12) JORDAN URIOSTE, MARIA DEL CARMEN VALENTINA
    Indoor air quality is associated with the purity of exterior air, which may be contaminated to various degrees depending on the environment and other local factors such as wind or other possible sources of pollution. In cities or settlements at high altitudes, the quality of exterior air is further compounded by the relative lack of oxygen; therefore the air quality in high altitude may not be limited to the degree of pollution of the atmosphere but should relate it to the amount of oxygen therein. Because the atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude increase, the amount of oxygen at high altitude is significantly lower than at sea level and this means that the human body faces a certain degree of metabolic stress in order to maintain its normal functions. Recent studies have shown important physiological differences between i) indigenous populations, that have lived in these conditions for generations, ii) lifelong highland residents (only first generation) and iii) acclimatized newcomers. In all these groups, the organisms are exposed to a similar degree of hypoxygenation (reduced oxygen concentration), and for all these individuals exposure to an indoor atmosphere enriched with oxygen can improve comfort and even prevent diseases that occur as a consequence of living in these habitats. In nature, all oxygen in the atmosphere is constantly being produced through the process of plant photosynthesis and algae are a very important part of the oxygen-generating ecosystem. These organisms are currently being studied for their efficiency in the production of biomass, which can be used as a possible source of renewable energy, nutritional source or medical products. In addition, they are increasingly seen as environmental purification agents because they are able to use the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and they also can grow and develop in human or industrial waste. Taking into account the fact that at high altitude vegetation is sparse, this project studies the possibility of improving indoor air quality through enriching it by biogenic oxygen production by microalgae. The project also assesses the possible uses of biomass and the potential resulting environmental benefit. To provide perspective and detailed information about the current level of knowledge about this topic, an extensive literature review was performed both on the different aspects relating to the cultivation of microalgae and on defining various aspects describing the comfort and welfare of human beings in high altitude areas. Assuming the percentage of oxygen required for an oxygen enrichment of the air, based on calculations of air renewal, we have determined the amount of oxygen needed to enrich the indoor air of a school in the city of La Paz, Bolivia. From these data and correlating with the information found in the specialized literature, it was calculated the culture volume of microalgae that would be required to produce, through photosynthetic activity, the necessary amount of oxygen to replenish and maintain the increased the enriched environment. Although the resulting volume of photobioreactors is too large to implement it, there is little doubt that the proposed system can help alleviate at least some of the shortcomings that people at high altitude suffer, shortcomings that are likely to escalate with the increase in number and density of these populations. The approach described in this study could also be developed in alternative ways, through the use of the system in an integrated manner, such that a certain level of oxygen enrichment results from the repeated recirculation of air across the microalgae culture. The system described here could also benefit from an increase in the scale of implementation though its use in an industrial environment that produces higher levels of atmospheric pollution. Such industries would benefit from providing the means to absorb the excess carbon dioxide while producing increased levels of oxygen. One potential advantage of an industrial setup is the possibility of constructing and using the large bioreactors required by these processes. One of the highlights of this project is the realization that the microalgae are extremely versatile and their cultivation can offer certain clear benefits to several types of human populations, but especially to those living in high altitude areas as microalgae can not only improve the quality of air and reduce pollution, but can also provide nutritional support and even used as biofuels.
  • Aplicación de conceptos arquitectónicos bioclimáticos en los reglamentos de construcción de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México: implicaciones energéticas y ambientales
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2005-03) TIRADO NAVA, MIGUEL ANGEL
    The following work is heeding since an architectural line and among of the constructions normative (in a practical way, coherent, according to the reality and annotated cause this topic is so extended) one of the most human’s settling problems in the present time, both as in developed countries as in developing countries: the excessive consumption of energy on residential buildings. The excessive consumption of energy and mainly the consumption of the electrical energy, observer in residential buildings in order to illuminate and acclimatized artificially the living space and the necessity of being habitable and comfortable such space so as to get the benefit of living’s quality of the users, affect two aspects concerning to health and population’s productivity. So that is this work is setting out as research project, which contemplates a concrete structure in its shape and content. Furthermore, this project presents a specific order that comes through the general line to the particular one. Due to these, this research project has five main chapters. The first chapter sets out –in a general way- the present time problem between the human’s develop and the environment, such as in a regional context as in a global one, considering several facts like: human develop, human settling, the population wroth, changes and uses of the soil, ecological imbalance, weather changes, energetic changes and also energetic consumer stock in the urban constructions of the XX century. The second chapter also sets out in a general way, several information from the study case of this research project. The metropolitan zone of Mexico City is considering as one of the most important human settlement in the country. Even more, it is considering the most important human settlement since a political-social line.
  • Propuestas de adecuación bioclimática para las aulas del C.A.P.F.C.E. en climas cálido seco y cálido húmedo
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2005-04) Fernández Chavira, José Manuel
    El objeto de esta investigación es la propuesta de un nuevo diseño de aulas primarias que pueda mejorar de manera considerable los niveles de confort higrotérmico y lumínico observados en las escuelas del CAPFCE. El C.A.P.F.C.E. (Comité Administrador del Programa Federal de Construcción de Escuelas) es la dependencia del gobierno mexicano responsable del diseño de las escuelas federales. Este organismo tiene la desventaja de usar el mismo modelo de aulas en todos los climas del territorio nacional. Las adecuaciones bioclimáticas sugeridas en este trabajo son dirigidas a los climas con más problemas del país y conservan la mayor parte posible de las especificaciones actuales para prevenir un aumento significativo en el costo de la construcción.
  • Caracterización bioclimática de la vivienda tradicional de la sierra Otomí-Tepehua
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2013-08) GONZALEZ ROSALES, ADRIAN
    This work registers the history and traditional architecture of the so known Sierra Otomí.-Tepehua region. Also, there is a record of the environment, analyzing the weather conditions in order to determine two issues: first, locate the classification of the mesoclimate which correspond to this mountain range; besides of the particular bio-weathers, based on the parameters of the KöppenGarcía modified system used for Mexico. And in second place, confront one by one the characteristic features of each meso-weather, in order to find out the main climatologic parameters. With that fundament, an explanation of the relation between the architecture and the natural environment is given, relating specific adaptations in rain water control and to thermal control. For the first case, the list of control elements are detailed, such as decks, eaves, drains, and corridors; and for the second case, a thermal analysis was done, in order to find the thermic properties of building materials and systems used, resulting in isolation as an essential strategy for the thermal comfort.
  • Aplicaciones bioclimáticas para promover la sustentabilidad en el consumo de agua, energía eléctrica y el control de residuos sólidos en planteles educativos: caso de estudio: planteles de educación primaria en Naucalpan de Juárez, Edo. de México
    (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2003-06) Morales Galán, Silvia
    Se diagnostican y reportan soluciones a las problemáticas de desperdicio de agua, energía eléctrica y clasificación de residuos sólidos en planteles de educación primaria ubicadas en el municipio de Naucalpan, Estado de México.