Diseño Bioclimático
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/11191/2170
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- Centro escolar comunitario, Macuspana, Tabasco(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2007-07) Díaz Báez, AlejandroEl proyecto se destinará a un centro educativo comunitario del nivel de secundaria el cual dará servicio a la comunidad de Chivalito del Municipio de Macuspana del Estado de Tabasco. La población se estima en 200 habitantes los cuales hablan el dialecto CHOL y TZELTAL comunidad de Chivalito carecen de servicios de: drenaje, recolección de basura, alimentación de agua potable y la calidad del servicio de energía eléctrica es inadecuado. La Comunidad se dedica principalmente a la ganadería y un poco de la agricultura, lo cual nos da pie a dar una serie de cursos alternativos como pueden ser: cultivo, ganadería, composta y otras actividades relacionadas a la sustentabilidad de lugar. Este centro comunitario tendrá espacios para uso de la comunidad y de los escolares para una mayor interacción del centro en la misma comunidad los espacios destinados serán: la cooperativa o tienda de sitio que dará servicio al interior de la escuela como al exterior (comunidad) y por lo tanto el salón de usos múltiples. Pensando que este centro escolar de pie a para albergar una serie de maestros los cuales salgan a dar clases a diferentes comunidades y tengan una estancia o residencia en este centro comunitario, tanto profesores temporales de paso también se le dará albergue al director o encargado de dicho centro.
- Dispositivo de iluminación de alta eficiencia instalado en cubos de edificios(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2009-12) Díaz Báez, AlejandroIn the constructions, its greater consumption of energy is by electricity, this consumption is reflected in the illumination concept, which would be avoided with the suitable direction and the surface of bay necessary to guarantee the luminance comfort. In certain constructions due to their height and disposition patios or buckets are used that satisfy the necessities with illumination and ventilation. Reason why the investigation of a device of high efficiency installed in patios or buckets considered, with problems in the premises oriented to these, with a low level of visual and luminance comfort The device proved in two cases of study; the first case is a scholastic, secondary building diurnal No 7, named Jose Manual Branches, in the city of Mexico, this building has activities in a period of 7:00 hours to 20:00 hours, therefore, the consumption of the power cost by the heading of the illumination enough is elevated by the deficiencies of natural illumination in the classrooms and laboratories oriented to the patios or buckets of illumination, the second case seted out in habitacional building, for being a model of construction commonest in the city and in which it appears with more frequency cases of patios or buckets of illumination, devoid of its main intention. the surface of bay necessary to guarantee the luminance comfort. In certain constructions due to their height and disposition patios or buckets are used that satisfy the necessities with illumination and ventilation. Reason why the investigation of a device of high efficiency installed in patios or buckets considered, with problems in the premises oriented to these, with a low level of visual and luminance comfort. The laboratory tests with which the device was put under made outdoors with a model on scale in which the device settled to measure with luxómetro the increase of the registered levels of lux in the real model, also the solar trajectory drew up to make a clock solar and to mount a laser pointer, with who the behavior of the reflections of solar rays was verified and the last elaborated test went to make the model on 1:1 scale and to prove it in the real model (in site). The made tests verified an approximated efficiency of a 25% of increase in the ground floors and a 30% in levels 3 and 4, the main advantage of the device are their simple design and adaptation to any latitude this in order that it is possible to be installed in different cities without having to make modifications in the device if not only a manual adjustment. The manufacture of the device is in stainless steel in finished to the high brightness type mirror and the cost oscillates of the $14.000,00 to the $16.000,00 pesos and has a life utility of 25 years and to heavy numbers average of $650,00 per year or $1,50 to the day is prorated in a cost which Father the cost of the equipment with the saving in the electrical consumption in the heading of the illumination. In addition to the economic benefits, the luminance device of high efficiency presents/displays environmental benefits, since each diminution of the energy consumption is also reduced the emission of polluting agents to environment. Therefore the system cost is amortized within 5 years production individually devices and 3 years are produced in series.