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- Adecuación de los triángulos de confort, para las condiciones climatológicas dominantes en la República Mexicana(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2010-09) Arauza Franco, MiriamThis thesis evaluates the application of comfort triangles the graphic method and bioclimatic strategies to identify, to select and to define the bioclimatic design of different types of constructions considering prevailing climatologic conditions at specific sites inside Mexican Republic. The comfort triangles nomogram and the bioclimatic strategies are building by wind outside thermal oscillation or amplitude (°C) versus monthly average temperature (°C), as the weather most important indicator. Using both outdoor climatic variables it is possible reach thermal and relative humidity indoor construction modifications to obtain an ideal higrothermic intervals. In order to the application of this comparative study was made among main different graphics methods as V. Olgyay Bioclimatic Chart, Givoni Psicrometric Chart and J. Martin Evans Bioclimatic Strategies (Comfort Triangles) applied to 21 locations and cities at Mexican Republic. Bioclimatic nomogram can be applied at the most Mexican prevailing weather provided that thermal amplitude range adjustments were make and designing any bioclimatic strategies, for buildings and different types of constructions inside comfort bounds establish by J. M Evans gaining a design and analysis tool. To obtain this goal it is propose the bioclimatic strategies nomogram modification of the comfort triangles, to attain design strategies according to weather analyzed thru testing thermal oscillation range and the average temperature.
- Estudio comparativo de los costos de inversión, operación y rentabilidad de una vivienda con principios bioclimáticos y una convencional, en un clima semifrío seco caso de estudio: viviendas de la Ciudad de Guadalupe, Zacatecas(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 2009-06) ACUÑA VALERIO, ANA JULIETAThe purpose of this thesis was to verify qualitative and experimentally, if the operation of a house designed with some bioclimatic criteria presents better performance than a conventional house considering hygrothermal comfort, energy efficiency and economic profitability. This was carried out based on an exercise of comparison in which the levels of comfort of two dwellings of the city of Guadalupe, Zacatecas were evaluated: one of them was considered as a "dwelling with bioclimatic principles" and the other as a "conventional" dwelling. During the monitoring both houses were evaluated constantly, it lasted nine months. Monitored interior parameters were temperature, relative humidity and luminance, nevertheless they were recuperated exterior data of temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind. Another evaluation way was the application of the draft of standard 020 to estimate the dwelling’s energy efficiency, as well as an energy audit to analyze the electrical consumption by air conditioning inside them. According to the results of the standard draft some modifications were done to the cases of study, these were considered as investment costs and they were contrasted with the operation costs that were determined with the energy audit. This permitted to carry out a benefit cost analysis of some measures that they could improve the thermal comfort of both houses. The obtained result was a better performance by the dwelling with bioclimatic principles as much as in the environmental monitoring as in the application of the standard. Once you compare the results and the economic analysis, it is shown at the end of this thesis, that the application of bioclimatic architecture is profitable. Also the results allow us to establish that the construction of dwellings in the municipalities of Guadalupe and Zacatecas may reach good levels of hygrothermal and luminic comfort throughout the year, if considering in bioclimatic design. Nevertheless this work also shows how it is possible to improve comfort in conventional dwellings with profitable investments.
- Estudio comparativo de dos modelos de simulación numérica para el diseño térmico de edificios en la república mexicana(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. Coordinación de Servicios de Información., 1999-04) Velasco Montiel, Fernando FranciscoSe presenta un estudio comparativo de dos modelos de simulación térmica: TRNYS v.13.1 y DOE-2 v2. 1E, los cuales fueron considerados por ser los programas más conocidos en el país y proporcionar resultados con una aceptable precisión.