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La triangulación metodológica en el análisis de la marcha del 25N
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) García Villalpando, Amir
This article theme is a methological triangulation in the analysis of the march 25N, es a cicle of methos in interaction, for the complex situations tan protests or fight political trasngresive, around of the cities and public spaces multidimensional, and extreme complex because his system in reality is a system of systems, in this system coexist humans (the bio-psycho–social organism) more sofisticated. In the same complex are the social movements, phenomenon more famous for popular and colective: the marchs. Containment is a fight basically, but is possible understand contention the violence, through of the escape under pressure, through direct action. In this case the march of 25N, against the violence inthe context postpandemic COVID–19, with the specific characteristics. The idea is decrease cognitive bias produce for the passions of the manifestants, and writers.
¿Pánico escénico?
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco. División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño., 2024-12) TOVAR ROMERO, IARENE
There are many situations in which you may have to speak out loud in front of an audience. Whether presenting an idea at a work meeting, giving a motivational talk, or presenting a topic at a conference, the ability to communicate effectively with your audience is critical to success in many fields. However, many people find it difficult to give a speech, which can cause anxiety and stress. Below are some guidelines to overcome stage fright, which is one of the main problems to face.